07 3162 0737 info@wiseupenergy.com

Buying your first business? Adding a new business to your portfolio?

You have done your due diligence, have a great business plan, and the finance has just been approved. You are excited about the future; this is your chance to work less and earn more and build a legacy for your family. Congratulations!

But there is so much yet to do and you are being pulled in every direction sorting out the details.

We understand you may be feeling a little overwhelmed by now and feeling that you need to be a jack of all trades with new things that you don’t do every day and many are outside your core skillset. 

So, what about the electricity? The energy retailer you call is going ‘sell you power’.

Most people in your position think that calling an energy provider to set up a new plan is all you need to do, it sounds logical, right? But there is actually a lot more to it and if you don’t have a strategy is likely to catch you out with bill shock within the first few months of trading and that’s going to put a lot more stress on you and your budget.

In addition, when long dated contracts are taken over from the previous owner there may be no room to move and you get stuck in something that is not going to give you the flexibility you need, or you may have just accepted a really expensive offer unknowingly. 

WiseUp Energy Solutions has you covered. Our expert team will guide you through getting the best energy plan that is fit for purpose. We know that your purpose may differ from the way the previous owner had their plan or commercial contracts set up. There is a huge difference between an energy plan and a commercial energy contract.

Our job is to put you in the position of ‘buyer of power’ and this is a very different position to the sold to approach that will end up costing you money and wasting your hard-earned profits!

Timing is everything and you are going to need to be able to make an informed data driven decision quickly, but I promise you bill shock will be avoided.

We will help you understand the best strategy and will provide an energy cost management plan even before you walk in the door of your new business. What is more our low fee for service model means low energy rates and lower bills right from the start.  No commissions or hidden clip of the ticket incentives, we just keep it simple by reviewing, planning, and negotiating so you get the best value.

Please remember that you do not have to roll over the existing energy plans or take on the previous owner’s contract. We have seen so many examples where the new business simply inherits the energy plans and contracts in place for the business they are buying. In a lot of cases, they then continue to pay more for energy that they need to. 

It’s like buying a car without a road worthy or a house without a building inspection. Don’t assume that the business you are buying has the optimal energy plans in place.

There is a better way, the smarter way.

Just give us a call if you would like to know more about working together.

Sharon Musker 0428 918 180
