07 3162 0737 info@wiseupenergy.com

Solar Suitability Assessment

Whilst we understand installing solar is a good option for many businesses, often it gets too confusing to work out what is the best option. By conducting a solar ready review you gain certainty in your decision-making.   We take you through these 4 steps:

1.  Audit & Data Analysis to provide Insight of usage and costs to establish seasonal variables and energy cost history. Consideration and  discussion of future usage and cost variables.
2.  Import solar generation data as provide by the Clean Energy Council.
3.  Consideration of post solar network classification, tariffs and applicable contracts to determine what If’s.
4.  Determine the true cost of power, both pre and post solar by using real data. This provides absolute clarity and informs your solar strategy.

The Benefits We Bring You

• Purchasing solar on terms to meet operation needs.
• Confidence that your solar ROI will be cost effective.
• Greater intelligence to interpret your energy bills post solar and understanding the absolutes and variables.
• Greater understanding of the variables against the current and future energy bills and contracts.
• Improved capability to forecast budget allocation for post solar energy costs.
• You know more about purchasing solar than 95% of business owners and assurance that investment decisions are validated.

Are you on the right energy plan for your business?

Book a free 15-minute consultation on your options
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