07 3162 0737 info@wiseupenergy.com

Complimentary Bill Analysis

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Your Free Consult
What is a Complimentary Bill Analysis?

This is an obligation-free, no sales pressure discussion to look at how your business uses energy and any challenges and questions you may have.

We can usually get an excellent idea of where we can save you money on electricity just by looking at your power bill.

What's the Benefit for My Business?


  • You will know if your current energy plan is fit for purpose and where it fits in the market.
  • You will know where savings can be made made.

Return on Investment

  • If we can’t help to reduce your energy costs, we will advise.  You have accessed industry experts and gained insights, free of charge.
  • Where we can identify savings, you will understand the next steps and all costs involved. Remember, the WiseUp point of difference is no hidden charges and commissions.

What's Included?

  • WiseUp will work through your electricity bill with you and understand your energy usage profile.
  • Where we can see savings, we will recommend the next steps and send you a formal proposal.
  • In some cases, we will recommend an energy savings strategy session that we can present on-site or remotely.

WiseUp Energy Solutions Service Catalogue

The Smarter Way

Customer Direct Metering Solutions

Save money and have access to your data

Bill Audits

Do you know if your bills are correct?

Energy Procurement

The Smarter Way to Buy Electricity

Solar Ready Analysis

Don’t buy solar without this

Energy Strategy Sessions

A holistic look at your business with insider tips

Complimentary Bill Analysis

Book Your Free Session with an Energy Expert

Energy Cost Audit

A deep dive to see what is working and what is not

Energy Concierge Service

A Bespoke energy package for your business

No affiliations. No commissions. No hidden fees.