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WiseUp Energy Insights - Metering

The Smarter Way


Here at WiseUp, we like to keep things simple and to teach a person how to fish.


Our Energy Insights Series is designed to demystify the energy market and present information clearly with minimal jargon and maximum benefit to energy consumers.

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Electricity Meters 

Energy Insights

Here at WiseUp Energy Solutions, we like to keep things simple.  The energy market can be so confusing and, often, the information available is technical and not easily understood by the average energy consumer.

So relax, we have prepared this guide to break down the mysteries of metering to give our customers a simple view of what changes have been made and what all this means to your business energy costs.

  • Confused about Electricity Meters?

  • What’s a Metering Coordinator?

  • Who is my Meter Data Provider?

  • What about Meter Data Agents?  Who are they?

  • What’s the difference between a Meter Provider and a Meter Data Provider?

  • What is a Direct Metering Agreement?

  • How can I cut costs on my metering charges?


The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)

To understand Metering, we need to understand a bit about the Australian Energy Market. The AEMC make the rules for the Australian electricity and gas markets.  They manage the rules for the National Electricity Market, which includes Queensland, NSW, ACT, Victoria, Tasmania and SA.

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)

The AEMO was established in 2009 to manage the National Electricity Market (NEM). AEMO is made up of members from State and Federal Government and Industry Representatives.

AEMC Power of Choice (POC) Review

The AEMC completed a Power of Choice review in 2012.  This included the Competition in Metering Rule Change.  The AEMO worked with industry bodies and implemented these metering rules changes, completing in them 2017.

Power of Choice Metering

The new POC metering reforms expanded competition in the metering sector, giving consumers greater control.

One of the objectives of the POC metering reforms was to phase out the older style meters and gradually roll out Smart Meters.  These meters are better designed for today’s energy market and deliver enriched functionality and customer benefits. In most states, all new and replacement meters must be Smart Meters.

Changes have also been made as to who can provide metering services. Historically, only the electricity distributors (the companies that own the poles and wires) provided metering services.  Now electricity retailers can arrange the installation and servicing of your new smart meter.  WiseUp Energy Solutions and other service providers can set up a Direct Metering Agreement (DMA) to give you direct access to your Smart Meter Data.

Can I Save Money on Metering Charges?

Yes, You Can! Business owners are encouraged to do their due diligence around Direct Metering Agreements.

Some Retailers will pass on additional fees and charges for Metering.  Establishing your own DMA can reduce your business costs;

  • Reduced Metering Fees
  • Potential cost savings with data-driven energy efficiency changes
  • Lower rates when going to market for new contracts.

WiseUp Energy Solutions Has a DMA Service Offering. See what’s included and the business benefits here.



So how does all this fit together?

Let’s talk about the new metering roles under POC.


  • The Retailer appoints the Metering Coordinator

Metering Coordinator

  • This is a new role created under AEMO’s Power of Choice program.
  • The driver for creation of this role was to encourage competition by having an independent entity seperate from Retailers and Network Distributers.
  • What does a Metering Coordinator do?
    • Appoint the metering service providers
    • Provision the metering services
    • Ensure compliance and security
    • Manage access to meters

Metering Provider

  • The Metering Provider is appointed by the Metering Coordinator
  • They install, operate and Maintain the meters.

Metering Data Provider

  • The Metering Data Provider is appointed by the Metering Coordinator
  • They colect, process and store smaart meter data

Can one supplier act as the Metering Coordinator, Metering Provider and Metering Data Provider?


metering coordinator

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